Now you can buy cover just where you feel you need it.
Expats returning unexpectedly to Britain in good health can buy new cover without difficulty.
Cover applies only if you develop the chronic condition after buying cover.
Consider buying annual cover from Insurance4carhire (020 7012 6300, against rental companies' high excess charges for accidents.
To insure that risk, it would have to buy cover of $10m from a standard insurer every year.
Would they buy cover for care?
If health services deteriorate, the uninsured may be joining the self-payers or running to buy cover.
Although you can buy cover directly from insurance companies, it's generally best to use a broker, as they can provide advice and assess your insurance needs.
What 30 year-old would buy medical cover if premiums were unrelated to age?
Cover applies only to chronic conditions developed after buying cover - as with routine medical cover.