Many commodity markets are institutionally well suited to speculation, having developed facilities for buying crops before they are harvested (futures markets) for small down-payments (margin trading).
Many growers, similarly, stopped buying the pesticides directly, but continued imposing the use of DBCP on banana plantations where they bought crops from local farmers.
Wheat prices retreated yesterday as traders grew more cautious about the chances of the Soviet Union gaining fresh subsidies from the United States to buy crops.
The IAPI (Argentine Institute for the Promotion of Trade) would buy crops at a lower price than the international ones, for obtaining resources and stimulating industrialization.
Natura bought bulbs from the original community to plant and promised to buy crops from all three groups.
Through the 1980's, as Washington sought to moderate Saddam Hussein's behavior, it gave Iraq loan guarantees so the country could borrow money to buy American crops.
Moreover, Mexican commodity importers receive low-interest loans to buy crops from the United States.
Elevator operators, who buy crops from farmers and then ship them to giant processors or feed lots, are also facing inconvenience, despite receiving extra transportation expenses from Aventis.
"And then they couldn't trade with us, and we would have no way to buy crops that won't grow in our land."
Heah to buy crops?