The couple also bought 160,000 shares of the stock in December 2000 for less than 3 cents a share.
No one expected to be able to buy digital music for 99 cents a song and have it show up on their iPod.
You can buy one for 50 cents at any stationery store.
See what you could buy then for only 25 cents!
So you buy the futures contracts for 5 cents each.
The circulation rate went up to over 4,000 and could be bought for 25 cents a week.
"I used to go in there and buy them for 49 cents apiece," he recalled.
In the 1930's a figurine could be bought for 65 cents.
Then they began spreading the word that the bills could be bought for 25 cents on the dollar.
I bought coffee and a roll for less than 25 cents.