A friend tells me I must stop buying handbags from street vendors on Fifth Avenue in Midtown.
It is the best place to buy handbags, tote bags, fans, toys and other small items.
Here you'll be able to learn about Simpsons100.com, a Weblog devoted to television's favorite animated family, or find out where to buy handbags made out of album covers.
Agliotti testified that he had handed over cash-stuffed envelopes and bought handbags for Selebi's wife.
To this end, shop girls on low incomes buy handbags that cost more than a car.
This week, she has bought clothes and handbags, and shipped flowers to almost everyone she knows.
Women buy handbags with French labels which are made in Morocco.
However, those people who buy cuddly toys or fashionable handbags made of cat or dog fur contribute to a trade that causes animals to be tortured, beaten and flayed alive.
"Everything seemed so perfect," said Ravivong Sareecom, a public relations worker who no longer buys new shoes and handbags without a second thought.
For one thing, he said, each will contain some form of public space that can be used for more high-minded purposes than buying handbags.