Nearby, you can buy high-class Mexican handicrafts in the Plazuela El Zaguan.
What to Buy Traditional Spanish handicrafts are high on any souvenir-hunter's shopping list.
In Usiacurí tourists can visit the house of the poet Julio Flórez and buy handicrafts.
She bought owl-related handicrafts for her house when she could find them, her friends said.
The market may be colorful, but it's also chaotic and not a great place to buy local handicrafts.
Semnan Bazaar - the place to buy the souvenirs, handicrafts, appliances, food items, and etc.
Slowly, he becomes captivated with the interior of the African continent, and with his first salaries, he buys handicrafts and linens.
Soldiers normally stay off the streets of Santiago Atitlan, an artisan town where foreign tourists often arrive by boat to buy native handicrafts.
A good place to buy handicrafts is this community project on the outskirts of Malindi.
What to Buy Bhutanese handicrafts are generally expensive because they are not made in quantity.