Along with developing campaigns, the agency will buy and place media.
"If two of these companies lose their ability to buy traditional media," he said, "10 more can fly in to replace them."
Billings have not been determined, but the department spent about $4.6 million on buying media last year.
Laws bar parties or candidates from buying media time, so the need for money takes special forms.
He began to buy media time in March and has been buying consistently ever since.
The industry: Who owns the companies that buy and sell media and how do they make a profit?
As a result, he earned a place at the three televised debates and had enough money to buy media time to reach voters.
"But when you buy media you want not only to buy reach," he said.
Just think about how you buy media; it's much more advantageous to buy in a one group environment.
You will be able to buy media and applications right on the device using your existing iTunes account.