Few police forces arrest people who buy narcotics and take it away from that country.
Drug addicts buy narcotics from the Barksdale organization.
Over the years, food stamps have been sold on the black market and used as a form of currency to buy narcotics and other contraband.
Under the Harrison Act, a non-medical user could not legitimately buy or possess narcotics.
But because methadone use is illegal in Russia, the doctors there let them leave their beds and buy narcotics on the street once a day.
The only further study with any meaning would be to see how it works in the U.S. - buying, selling and using narcotics, openly, without penalty.
He is followed by a mysterious young woman (the Urchin), who assists him in buying narcotics from a street dealer.
And they exposed a scheme in which law-enforcement officers bought narcotics on the illegal market, then put them on display, boasting of a "dope bust."
Area residents said outsiders frequently visited the corner at odd hours of the night to buy narcotics.