While they waited to return home, they bought a house on five acres in another part of Louisiana.
In the early 30's, my father bought a house on 60 acres near Boonton.
Two years ago, Frank Joy bought a 16-room mansion on 9.5 acres for $3 million.
The couple bought the 1720's house on 26 acres for $260,000 in 1982.
With his partner at the time, he bought a 25-by-25-foot cottage on 18 acres, which he has since expanded into a three-bedroom house.
In 1959, they bought an old farmhouse on 36 acres upstate near a town called Duanesburg.
Julian used the money to buy a mobile home on five acres of land in Pittsylvania County, Virginia.
The Wilsons bought the house on 1.7 acres in 1941 more than five years after Bill W. took his last drink.
They bought a four-bedroom house near Sagle on 300 acres with woods and a small lake.
Using bond money, New York has bought or agreed to buy 53,553 acres and easements on 67,992 acres.