What we are really interested in seeing is whether this increases the buy rates.
"Without a doubt it'll be the biggest fight in history and do a double-digit buy rate."
The buy rate refers to the percentage of homes that buy the event out of the total homes served by cable systems that carry it.
"We feel that the buy rate was 7.7 percent," said Lipscomb, Showtime's senior vice president for corporate affairs.
Out of 9.5 million homes, we had a buy rate of 6.8 percent.
A private industry estimate puts the national buy rate at closer to 2.0, no matter Chavez's appeal.
It may be good for the buy rate.
So how did they decide how much to add to the buy rate on each loan?
Starrcade drew a buy rate of 1.9, the best WCW ever achieved.
He said most estimates for the Holyfield-Foreman fight put the buy rate at close to 10 percent.