Despite its proximity to water, Chestertown has no place to buy fresh seafood.
And today, as Daniel Pauly notes, "there are far more people with enough money to buy seafood.
Even if you're not buying seafood, it's a great place to stroll around and take in the sights, smells and sounds.
It is a program designed to raise consumer awareness about the importance of buying seafood from sustainable sources.
I have since been told that you should never buy seafood during the rainy season.
You can also buy seafood from the wet market downstairs and pay them to cook it for you the way you want.
It remains a popular place for locals to buy seafood - both fresh and dried.
Mr. Svenningsen buys excellent seafood and puts it to righteous use.
I was just thinking about the Islanders and how their true feelings about us come out when we aren't buying seafood or souvenirs.
She gives specific tips about buying seafood and also offers a list of key pantry items that are often used in the preparation.