It was later sold to the Steeles who bought the manor, the estate and the attached "mansion house", sometime after 1640.
"Although America is not to the manner born, it has a right to buy the manor."
By a twist of fate, Audrey inherits her uncle's fortune and buys the manor back.
When William Faunt bought the manor in 1549 half the land was already enclosed.
He bought the manor of Flanchford before 1656.
Other monuments and hatchments there are mostly to the Breedon family, the first of whom bought the manor in 1671.
Another range was added by Sir Robert Bannister who bought the manor in 1621.
The Blake family bought the manor in 1667 and added the current second wing to the house.
He had bought the manor in 1840.
Film director Stanley Kubrick bought the manor in 1978.