I quickly bought tokens and ran down the stairs toward my train, reaching the platform just in time to see it pulling away.
They could have bought a $3 MetroCard, or tokens for that matter, and spent only $1.50 per ride.
But one thing seems certain: those who have not bought the new $1.50 tokens by Monday morning can expect long lines at the token booths.
For years, drivers who bought tokens in advance received a discount.
If there were a dozen people waiting on line to buy tokens, you could just walk through the slam gate.
The single entrance is so crowded that people waiting to buy tokens sometimes have to line up across the street from the kiosk.
"Do I think they wasted $9 million by buying new tokens?"
Opening more places to buy tokens would also shorten lines.
Tired of waiting in long lines in the subway to buy tokens?
To encourage motorists to buy tokens, the authority offers 10 for $21, a 16 percent discount.