Ethel's chief amusement was buying trinkets at the booths near the Stahlbrunnen.
We bought trinkets from Indian women who walked down the beach with baskets on their heads.
They take day cruises, go fishing in the bay and buy trinkets.
I bought coins, cards, trinkets, and books, usually with stolen money.
They can't buy trinkets or gas or groceries if they're mostly dead.
You buy things, clothes and trinkets for yourself and presents for your friends.
For the same reason, buy trinkets from the locals and drink in their cafés.
Most buy flea-market goods or other trinkets from wholesalers they have visited as a class.
"One can buy similar trinkets in most every market of our realm!"
The Hardys soon found that the merchants were suspicious, and the boys had to buy trinkets in order to get responses to their questions.