And consumers who want to order "fixed message urgent" grams (especially to ships) can buy them via a toll free number.
You can buy these at travel agents or via Europe Rail (
Is the only way to buy the game online via the PSN?
It also meant that he was trying to buy himself into the aristocracy: via terrorist activities.
There are currently two known ways to move to Windows 7 without buying a new computer: via retail or via download.
The following month, a consortium led by him bought the Club back from the Administrators, via offshore companies, for £1.5 million.
Interest paid on gilts bought via the register is gross of tax.
But during the year corporate America bought - via share repurchases and takeovers - $159.2 billion of shares.
All 25 episodes are now available to buy via download at - they are remastered for quality.
Consider the following example, which is an order to buy or sell via a third party: