At that point, buyers entered the market and many stocks pulled out of minus territory.
Now, an unexpected potential buyer has entered the scene.
The buyer should also enter negotiations with as much information about the sellers as possible.
Some first-time buyers are entering the market for entirely different reasons.
But 26 percent were for $200,000 to $400,000 houses, indicating that trade-up buyers have increasingly entered the scene.
But the averages started to firm around midday, and during the afternoon buyers entered the market, especially for large-cap issues that trade on the Nasdaq.
The stock prices would tend to rise later as buyers entered the market after reading the articles.
As more high-end buyers have entered the rental market, the inventory of available apartments has started to shrink.
The price goes down as more buyers enter the group until a specified deadline.
Eventually buyers enter and/or sellers leave, again achieving equilibrium.