The buyer failed to collect them and they were stolen from the seller's warehouse.
Grace sold those units piecemeal after a single buyer failed to emerge.
In this way, the risk that the buyer will fail to pay is transferred from the seller to the letter of credit's issuer.
If the buyer fails to do so, the public is no worse off, since the original shareholders gained what he lost.
In this scenario, however, the buyer fails to turn up anything significant, but still wants to lower the price.
Moreover, if the buyer fails to take delivery, the builder may sue him for failure to accept.
If the buyer fails to exercise the options, then the writer keeps the option premium as a "gift" for playing the game.
Potential buyers of power - utilities, independent suppliers of electricity and even the city - failed to show up.
Once the buyer has failed to begin the trip, he or she calls for a claim form and files it with the documentation.
Laws vary as to what happens with the deposit should the buyer fail to perform on the contract.