The cartoon merchant might be grouchy or generous, based on how it "feels" about a return customer or how a new buyer manages to manipulate its mood.
In these instances, buyers have managed to come up with a large cash down payment but may not be able to show proof of enough income to qualify for the purchase.
The buyers themselves have managed to relieve it only by investing hundreds of dollars in elaborate fencing to give their properties an individualized look.
The disks are updated weekly, but most buyers manage to pick a bank on the basis of a single search.
Moreover the American buyers - mostly public television and cable networks - do manage to obtain the programming below production cost.
The act also allows drug companies to provide economic information about their products to formulary committees, managed care organizations, and similar large-scale buyers of health-care products.
That opportunity is similar to one spawned by eBay, which created a cottage industry of independent businesses that help buyers and sellers manage the online auction process.
Helping buyers manage established outsourcing relationships (in issues such as governance and change management)
Create a bunch of categories with arbitrary, overlapping labels, and just hope that buyers manage to fight through the system to find something that isn't wretched?
For example, a takeover could be completed if the buyer, while crossing the 15 percent threshold, manages to buy at least 85 percent of the outstanding stock.