Unless the big institutional buyers return to the market, their own portfolios will continue to shrink in value.
But after the first hour of trading stock prices began to firm, analysts said, as many buyers returned to the market.
But in the afternoon, buyers returned and the S.&P. 500 finished up 0.7 percent.
Big institutional buyers also returned to the market, providing an additional shot in the arm.
If a clear title can't be given, then the buyer must return the painting.
But he added, "I'm guessing that by next spring, buyers will return."
The buyers might return at any moment, as Forrest's herd had no doubt crossed the river but a few miles above town.
Some buyers took one look at the soil and returned to the Midwest.
But the idea was ahead of the technology and unhappy buyers returned most of the systems, creating a new crisis.
He said many buyers did not return such cards to the manufacturer.