The buyers promptly withdrew their offer.
And the buyer could then withdraw if it looked as if the condominium might never come into being, or was facing unacceptable delays.
But buyers are showing that if a house isn't priced right, the buyers will just withdraw and wait.
'Binding on me, that is,' said Neil, 'though the buyer, once he sees the property, may still withdraw.'
However, in September 2007 the buyers withdrew from the deal, saying that the company's financial health had suffered from a material adverse change.
The Post was on the brink of collapse when the last aspiring buyer, Abraham Hirschfeld, withdrew amid bitter conflicts with labor unions and editorial staff.
The offer will set out conditions (such as appraisal, title clearance, inspection, occupancy, and financing) under which the buyer may withdraw the offer without forfeiting the deposit.
But the buyer has reportedly withdrawn because of litigation filed by Northwest Airlines against Singer in May.
Then a buyer may question the logic of a merger and withdraw.