"być nieważnym" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | see "być nieważnym" in Polish

być nieważnym

  1. mean nothing
    • nic nie znaczyć, być nieważnym
      Do you think the lives of my men mean nothing to me?
      This message is gibberish, it means nothing.
      The sales mean nothing if we don't have control over our product.
  1. irrelevant *  
    It's irrelevant whether you like it or not.
    antonym: relevant
  2. invalid
    • nieprawidłowy, nieważny (np. o bilecie, dokumencie)
      Without this stamp your passport is invalid.
      He paid a fine for having an invalid ticket.
      The password is invalid.
      antonym: valid
  3. unimportant
  4. null
  5. paltry
  6. nonsignificant
  7. void *
  8. out-of-date , out of date
  9. expired
    • nieważny (po terminie)
      Can I renew my passport if it's expired?
  10. non-essential , also: nonessential
  11. gnatlike
  12. nonmajor
  13. nonvalid
  14. petit
  15. nugatory
  16. inessential
  17. nonserious
  18. nonmaterial
  19. disallowed
  20. piddly
  21. poxy
  22. matterless
  1. of no consideration
    • nieważny, bez znaczenia
  1. null and void
    • nieważny, nieprawomocny, bez mocy prawnej
      Any provision that is against the law is null and void.
      An unsigned agreement is null and void.
      According to labour code, an employment contract concluded between an employer and an employee under sixteen is considered as null and void.