Initial reaction to the report by top city officials, businessmen and black leaders was mostly positive.
The third effect, he said, is that "we see interest by Chinese businessmen coming here to invest and buy businesses."
Today, the company's leadership is dominated as it always was by businessmen representing few, if any, clients.
Hotels are scarce and usually reserved completely by businessmen from western Germany.
He was not employed by the university, but funded by businessmen.
Unless he makes a lot of money he isn't even treated as a businessman, at least not by serious businessmen.
Another exhibition that toured the country showcased art by businessmen.
So too did the exploitation of privatization by corrupt local and greedy foreign businessmen.
Bribery of Government officials and bankers by businessmen wanting loans is common.
Russia has roughly 1,300 banks nationwide, many operated by businessmen who own other companies that need banking services.