Keys hit the winning shot from the left baseline while surrounded by defenders.
However, it met with severe disapproval by defenders of public morality, especially in New York.
Asked about the tugging and pulling by defenders, he said: "It takes a little bit of getting used to.
Perhaps there is an emotional component to all this: too much thinking by defenders, who are trained to react.
Front Line aims to address the protection needs identified by defenders themselves.
Through the gates the attackers surged, held up for a moment by defenders within the palace itself.
Robinson played solid through the 1st half, with no sacks or tackles made by defenders he engaged with.
This reduced their use to that in sieges, by both defenders and attackers.
Common also were attacks by defenders of social hierarchy on Rousseau's "romantic" belief in equality.
Johnson also points out that since he became a Jet, he has drawn more penalties by defenders than any of his teammates.