Admiral Thornton is too worn down by disappointment to continue and leaves the station.
And they are tortured by disappointment when it is proven for the umpteenth jillion time that men don't.
If anyone was crippled just now, it was Peter, by disappointment.
"I'll change," she said, her voice muffled by disappointment.
And, of course, that was White Bow's great lesson, brought home to him by disappointment and loss.
But they made no plans; they were too exhausted, too overcome by grief and disappointment to think clearly.
'Don't be a silly little boy,' Jane said, irritated by disappointment.
Battered by disappointment, my wife and I had much of the yard paved over with bricks.
The Romans, weary but fuelled by rage and disappointment, made one last mad attack.
Never sniveling, she molds the portrayal of a woman trapped by her own fears and disappointment.