He had a Zippo, fueled now not by lighter fluid but by moonshine.
Swelling caused by increased fluid within the bursa.
This space is usually taken to be outside the plasma membranes, and occupied by fluid.
After surgery, patients may experience micropsia as a result of larger photoreceptor separation by edematous fluid.
Burned and partially blinded by hydraulic fluid, Johnson tried to bail out, but could not open his shattered canopy.
With smallpox, transmission is airborne, spread by droplets or by fluid from the lesions.
Brought down by fluid in the lungs.
And by fluid we mean something very specific - it's any substance that flows under an applied stress.
Swelling caused by excess fluid in body tissues.
She collected samples from several small areas of soil that looked darkened by fluid of some kind, carefully numbering and recording each one.