A unicorn does not live by grain alone, thou knowest!
They're rolling in the mud right now, picking it up grain by grain, and weeping.
The sand of beaches are clear and characterized by particularly fine grain.
It might have been by ripened grain in summer, when each field is like a body, ocher-gold from head to foot and all one breathing.
They still moved grain by grain and they were building a picture.
The knowledge came upon me, not quickly, but little by little, and grain by grain.
"Will you replace the grown flour we've still got by sound grain?"
The thing exploded grain by grain, only one grain at a time, but all in less than a second.
She'd find a way to go where he'd gone, if she had to eat the blue eye grain by grain to do so.
"We gained people's trust grain by grain, and now everything has to be started from scratch," he said.