Compression algorithms used by newer image formats are more efficient when compressing images such as photographs, and dithered or otherwise complex graphics.
The books used photographs by Frank Hinkins, engravings, maps and graphics.
Moreover, Adobe has always emphasized software for the Macintosh computers preferred by most graphics professionals.
The first decade of the web was disfigured by flashing text, the second decade by zooming graphics.
Fans say the older games, unadorned by fancy graphics and sound effects, focused more on game play.
The OnSpeed software works by compressing text and graphics contained on any website (or within emails).
Call Rush - A "short amount of time" where callers are further encouraged to call by on-screen graphics.
Even when accompanied by slick graphics and interactive media, bigotry isn t pretty.
The council of captains listened and watched the visuals as they came in, represented by all-too-clear graphics.
This change resulted in the debut of a new studio set designed by FX Group and on-air graphics.