Nothing like a law written by lobbyists to raise awareness of an issue they'd rather leave in the dark.
He said the accusations were a "smoke screen" for a desire by senators and lobbyists to continue business as usual.
"It diverts our attention from the real problem, which is the buying of officials by lobbyists and special interests."
Money, delivered in political contributions and embodied by powerful lobbyists, seems to rule the Capitol.
But other spending by lobbyists did increase last year.
The paper has prompted a significant amount of scrambling by scientists and lobbyists who are trying to shape the response to global warming.
Expenditures by lobbyists climbed to a record $55 million in 1998.
Also, it is sometimes difficult to connect contributions by lobbyists or lawyers to the companies they represent.
The proposal would institute extensive requirements for financial disclosures by lobbyists.
Still missing from the reform agenda is an independent office to watch for abuses by lawmakers or lobbyists.