The roofs were flat and supported by trimmed logs called vigas , and they leaked.
Finally a bucket of water was poured in, and a last covering of banana leaves secured by logs.
Exposed, it was a small gravel pit shored and contained by larger rocks and logs, all materials close at hand.
Rain over, we walked through blue fields of lupine and past the three lakes called Sunrise, crossing the first at a narrow point by logs and stones.
But hauling through the streets under militia fire and returning weighed down by logs cost them.
The platforms and ladders (replaced by logs, ropes and chains on later levels) constituting the level are laid out in a very tricky form.
Circular saw blades were extremely expensive and highly subject to damage by overheating or dirty logs.
The trail was perfectly marked and well cleared and sometimes aided by logs in the ground that functioned as steps.
Fuelled by dry logs the flames reached so high that they shrivelled the green leaves on the tall trees that surrounded the clearing.
It is a good burrower and often constructs its own shelter by burrowing under surface objects such as rocks or rotting logs.