If cooking by microwave the surface may appear sticky.
Most of its products can by prepared by microwave, and many come prepackaged in individual portions.
"However, I've always believed that woman can indeed live by microwave alone," she added, trying to smile at him, which really wasn't all that difficult.
For this, we may have to develop very reliable burst-transmissions by laser or microwave during a firefight.
Federal authorities would send the "go" signal by microwave and landline to the control stations.
If you are heating your water by microwave, boiling stones which sit on the bottom will do almost no good.
In recent years, these services have sought to run cables to adjacent buildings or relay the signals by microwave to different locations around a city.
Our reporters in the field send in their stories by microwave or transmitters.
I was talking to him by microwave when he was seized by them.
Others will deliver information by satellite or land-based microwave.