Thus, when funding the building, the Wisconsin legislature clearly saw its use by local militia.
During the war, thousands of people were taken away by state security agents and government-armed militias, never to be seen again.
One significant factor in the military's decision to move the scale toward "chaos" was the expanding activity by militias.
About 1,000 people died after the referendum as a result of violence by pro-Indonesian militias.
Could be anybody, though, after all the exchanges of fire by militias in Tripoli yesterday.
Many protesters have been wounded, and at least one killed, by pro-government militias.
First came the Fur, one of the ethnic groups that has been under attack by pro-government militias.
And he can be fairly blamed for others, like continuing human rights abuses by civilian militias.
"To confiscate illegal weapons," carried openly by militia members in public places.