Benefits of synthetic handles include a lesser chance of breakage and resistance to damage by moisture.
Attenuation and scattering by moisture in the atmosphere is a factor at the high end of the band.
Ecrasite is an explosive material which is unaffected by moisture, shock or fire.
The compound is insoluble in water, and slowly decomposes by moisture in the air.
This combined material is chemical resistant and unaffected by slight moisture.
Water repellent protects wood against cracking, splintering and warping caused by moisture.
February 23, 2008-B-2 bomber crash in Guam caused by moisture on sensors.
Stars hung close to the mesa, not dulled by moisture or atmosphere.
Steam radiators are removed, both because they are not needed and to prevent infiltration by moisture.
Repellents wood against cracking, splintering and warping caused by moisture.