And he said the city would continue to explore that option despite resistance from unions and worries by fiscal monitors.
A crucial safeguard is the review of the software and hardware by federal and state monitors.
The protests further strained the fragile truce reached in October and restored by international monitors last week.
There is a common misconception that screen savers reduce energy use by monitors; they do not.
Neither country has ever held an election judged to be free and fair by international monitors.
It requires monitoring by independent monitors as well as public reporting for the first time ever.
The Bush administration feared it would lead to demands by monitors to gain access to American prisoners and detainees.
I operate by ear and feel, guided by internal monitors which, of course, include a sense of my audience.
I could get around this by re-arranging by monitors and moving the dock back to the laptop's own monitor rather than on the external display.
The two groups oppose a boycott by monitors.