The times given in brackets are estimates which include part of the journey by motorway where relevant.
Heathrow and Gatwick are both about 60-90 minutes away by motorway.
By motorway, that's about 230 miles.
The route by motorway runs M1 to M6 to M54, getting off at Exit 4.
"It's got good communications by rail, motorway and airport and lots of good schools," Morrison says.
This will allow you to select live updates by road, region or motorway.
The two meet fairly regularly, either in Bristol, an hour or so west of here by train or motorway, or at the restaurant.
You could always tweet @motorwayservices or @mwayservices too and see if they reply or search for services by motorway on their site.
There is also a sizeable customs area for traffic passing by road and motorway (both commercial and non-commercial vehicles).
It concerns the Nordic triangle, designed to link the Scandinavian capitals by high-speed train and motorway.