Incoming planes fly in over Queens at a 40-degree compass heading (north by northeast).
But the favorable winds held steady east by northeast and the bright afternoon was full of promise.
We seemed to be in a strong current running north by northeast.
Nessus lay north by northeast, so the captain had said; with the horizon still so near the sun, it was not hard to keep our course.
By reading the stars, he soon determined that the flashes had come from east by northeast.
We were thinking about heading farther into the bay, east by northeast.
A short time after the sleuths arrived at the village, they were out on the bay in the rented skiff, heading east by northeast.
They traveled on, north by northeast.
The direction indicated is either north by northeast or south by southwest.
"The fortress called Ganturath seems to lie about a hundred miles north by northeast, my lord," I said.