Glad you stood by your mate in the hospital.
I came back, helped by my mate, to discover them gone!
If forced to step lightly around Kobe's emotional state, the Lakers may find it increasingly hard to stick by their mate.
"You're a woman who should be savored, cherished by her mate."
After the Eagleton story came out, McGovern first said he stood by his running mate "1,000 percent."
They were sounds not made by his mate, and yet they were remotely familiar.
Its neck broken, the creature fell, its place immediately taken by its mate.
Serene sat by her mate, brushing away tears, the brine soaking her skirt.
Females give a series of chips as they leave the nest, probably to ward off attacks by their mate or neighboring males.
Still, nothing signals a campaign's seriousness about a state this late in the race more than a visit by a candidate or his running mate.