Cwan's sister, my son, they came by their relationship honestly.
Each being subsists by its relationship to one of these divine attributes or names.
But like it or not, that's what she had become by her relationship with Richard.
As a result, a familiar image of light looks different, affected by the dancers' changing relationship to it.
"How much are Sony's business decisions affected by their relationship and is that fair to other singers?"
"You see, those other worlds can be said to exist only by their relationship to life-to this world."
Everything, of course, defined by her relationship to Malenfant, even though the man had been dead five years.
He had become demoralized and overwhelmed by their deteriorating relationship.
The author refers to the various characters by their relationship or their role in the story.
On one hand, it is possible to pick out a dominant instance by its relationship with other aspects of a social structure.