Lower arms, and return to standing upright with dumbbells down by sides and palms facing forward.
The villa, built around a central patio big enough to accommodate a jumbo-size pool, was shaded by palms.
She stared past me at the distant oasis, sheltered by fan-fronded palms.
They greet by touching palms, extend yours palm down.
Instead their lines ran almost freely from neat coils on the deck, slowed every now and then by horny palms closing.
Today, the city has only a few dozen houses next to a beach with crystal-clear water, surrounded by palms.
Hold a 3-pound weight in each hand, with arms by your sides and palms forward.
Italian Garden surrounded by palms, with iron gazebo.
At one end of the large room to the right an orchestra was playing, banked by palms.
Our table was by a grand piano and partly screened by potted palms.