In recent years, however, the shooting sports have become increasingly threatened by social and political reforms.
The Empire tried to catch up to the western world by military reforms which proved to be ineffective in the long run.
Asked about the best way to change their society, 56 percent said they preferred "gradual improvement by reforms."
Urban prosperity created by economic reforms in the 1980's and early 1990's reinforced the trend at first.
Their property tax exemption continued into the 20th century, being, however, diminished substantially by reforms of the 19th century.
"We will build on the present recovery by accelerating reforms so as to improve the capacity of our economies to create jobs."
Haven't we learned that lost trust can be regained only by seismic reforms and close scrutiny?
We are impressed too by the ambitious democratic and economic reforms you plan to undertake.
One way in which this may be accomplished is by decisive economic reforms that create favourable conditions for businesses.
The question now is whether a weakened Government will be able to stick by reforms that require real sacrifice.