The valley was wide, broken by occasional low ridges and knolls, mostly fringed with trees.
The ravine carved its way through a long trough of a valley bounded on three sides by low ridges.
It feels slick, nearly featureless, interrupted only occasionally by small ridges or bumps.
In addition the forms and surfaces are defined by exquisite, consistent horizontal ridges, as if carved with a needle.
The area is sheltered by low ridges on all sides and has a small freshwater pond in the center.
His arms were thick and defined by long ridges of muscle, even in sleep.
The eye orbits are connected together, and surrounded by prominent bony ridges.
Frankendorf lies in a narrow valley, bordered on the west and east by ridges that are approximately 50 meters higher than the town.
Of course, the boundary is jagged and uneven, usually represented by rivers or ridges.
They were big and bulging and protected by horny ridges, two on the front of his head, set wide apart.