And by capturing samples, the log was - Symantec was able to obtain more than 3,000 instances of Stuxnet.
By samples of behavior, one means observations of an individual performing tasks that have usually been prescribed beforehand, which often means scores on a test.
It contains an essay by Ilana Tenenbaum and samples of the videos and still photographs that appeared in the show.
Paulhus and his colleagues found consistent support in self-reports by both student and adult samples.
Techstep (or Tech drum 'n' bass), characterized by sci-fi soundscapes and samples from science fiction culture.
Adam and Jamie compared various movie sound effects to their real-world counterparts by recording samples of both.
The Darwin Core is primarily based on taxa, their occurrence in nature as documented by observations, specimens, and samples, and related information.
Eight musicians performed the work, supplemented by keyboard-controlled samples and live DAT material.
Absorbance of light by transparent samples.
Songs were very brief, and sometimes punctuated by samples taken from various media (including Charles Bronson films).