He did stop by to see the Tibetan hunger strikers at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza.
The beating by strikers whose faces were well known to the public was captured in chilling television images.
His use of replacement workers to keep the railroad running during the strike led to violence by strikers that included shootings and bombings.
Actions by strikers have included the blockage of roads including coastal Highway 200.
This is a common tactic by French strikers.
Whilst denounced by strikers as a 'strike breaker', most commentators supported Darby's efforts.
Management says violence and threats by strikers have intimidated news dealers.
Owner-drivers who continued working during strikes were often attacked, their tires slashed, their doors torn off by angry strikers.
"Let the disorder brought about by certain strikers and certain groups stop."
Students also made use of the tunnels to travel between buildings occupied by strikers.