The system has the capability to interface with equipment or services provided by other suppliers.
In some ways, the factory, called Charter, shows what Western companies can do to discourage abuse by suppliers.
The company proceeds to lose almost $2 billion, avoiding bankruptcy only through concessions by workers, suppliers and creditors.
Measuring the Government's record in prosecuting fraud by military suppliers is not easy, if only because this campaign is relatively new.
The new 3-litre engines under development by other suppliers all had at least 12 cylinders.
We have no direct control over the provision of services to clients by suppliers.
Long-term contracts can protect consumers from volatile prices and price manipulation by suppliers.
A second route might be to allow domestic producers to agree on predatory responses to attempts by foreign suppliers to enter the national market.
Full English breakfasts are organic, fair-traded and provided by local suppliers.
Investments by suppliers and vendors increase the merger value to more than $1.5 billion.