Allusions by travellers give some evidence that there may have been a city or town present as early as the 2nd century.
This includes breaches by individual travellers as well as businesses.
There would also be action against the authorities by travellers for assault and damage to property.
Illegal camping by gypsies or other travellers can affect the lives of whole communities.
Other Ancient sites have become earmarked for visits by travellers.
However, those that did so found it extremely difficult to get planning permission, with more than 90% of applications by travellers refused.
The station is hard to detect by travellers on the Ginza line.
The tavern began to be referred to as the "White House" by travellers.
The line was also dependent on used by local travellers.
Originally, the citadel had two more towers on the western wall, as reported by European travellers until 1759.