And the sharper they are, the more likely to come by wounds.
Certain repeaters are known as "frequent fliers," recognized not by name or face but by old wounds.
They stood naked, shivering, and marked by wounds, their skin pale in the starlight.
If it had a self, perhaps this was its face: split by wounds and doubt; pitiful; lost.
Exhausted by wounds, prison, and fatigue he died the same year in Warsaw.
Near the series' finale, Akela would pass on himself by wounds from jackals.
I knew that the men in my platoon were there for a; twelve months or until incapacitated by wounds, illness,; death, whichever came first.
Boy, those medals were won by bravery and daring, by wounds and pain.
I hesitated at finding myself wrestling with this ugly golden creature, made beautiful by its scars and wounds.