Huling and family cleared land, built a cabin, a sawmill, and distillery in 1795.
The cabin was an A-frame, and probably built to be a vacation home or weekend retreat.
Final production version based on Ki-21-IIa with modified canopy, clear upper cabin replaced by rotating turret, 688 built.
I will arise andgo now, andgo to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made: Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the hone-y-bee.
The cabin itself was hidden, built in the thick of the trees with no clearing to give the but a glimpse of the sun.
Along the ascent, modest cabins and stately Victorians from the late 1800's and early 1900's give way to ranches and splits, built in the 1960's and 70's.
He built that cabin," Lon answered, "He built it for her . . . and for himself.
It was virtually identical to the machine that had brought them here: the same cramped cabin with low ceilings built for a smaller race.
She recalled how Peter had taken such pride in furnishing their cabin, their home, building the bookcases and much of the furniture himself.
You need an emergency home, perhaps an abandoned farm picked up cheaply or a cabin built on government land.