In the five East End towns, officials have vowed that none will agree to a new cable contract unless all do.
That is why it should seriously consider Court TV for its cable contract.
This in turn will lead to less lucrative offers when your cable contracts come up for renewal.
When the cable contract is added, the new package could be worth an average of close to $15 million per team per year.
With that $500 million cable contract, the principal owner could have afforded it.
The cable contracts in Britain allow companies to provide telephone and television services over the same networks.
The millions of fans who can no longer watch games on TV so George could make big money from cable contracts?
But the Yankees are in a much larger market, and have that cable contract.
They paid $195 million for the Islanders and the team's lucrative cable contract in February 1998.
Naturally, he would hope to boost the value of the team and its cable contract.