He cackled happily for a moment, and then his face grew still and grave once more.
He held the meticulously printed list up, studied it a moment, then cackled happily.
O'wa cackled happily at the joke, and bent to the task.
Wadrup cackled happily; his chattered laugh was to continue during the three minutes of life that still remained to him.
Rappsnout cackled happily as he leaped down to obey Strapp's orders.
Mycroft cackled happily, as though he had scored a triumph over The Shadow.
There was a long moment of disbelief, then the abbot cackled happily and the assembled priests shouted with incredulous mirth.
The old man cackled happily to himself, and Forbin guessed that this sally would be retold many times to his luckless relatives.
Mr. Todhunter cackled happily, and felt the very devil of a fellow.
Seated there, the gray-haired excavator cackled happily.