In addition to the diverse variety of cafes, restaurants and food outlets located in Sandringham Village, the suburb's main supermarket is Coles.
Here fashionable cafes, wi-fi-enabled restaurants and crowded bars and nightclubs vie for your attention.
Wamberal has small clusters of high-end cafes, restaurants and boutique stores dotted along the beach front strip, Ocean View Drive, and on nearby streets.
Famed for its beautiful trees that turn bright yellow in autumn, cafes, restaurants and large replica of Michelangelo's David outside of the Papas building.
Like neighboring Colonia Condesa, Roma has a number of cafes, restaurants and other eateries established in older structures (as well as newer ones).
Braga Street grew into a promenade street with cafes, restaurants and boutique shops.
The promenade Braga Street grew into an elite area of cafes, restaurants and boutique shops.
The report found that Oakleigh South had a very low crime rate and good proximity to cafes, restaurants, and shopping facilities.
In recent years, the downtown area has seen some rejuvenation, with cafes, restaurants, and art galleries springing up.
The centre of neighborhood is James Street, a village consisting of cafes, delis, hairdressers, retailers, chemists, restaurants and charity stores.