High caffeine levels have also been found in the soil surrounding coffee bean seedlings.
Gayze took a sip of coffee, laced with a little fatfree chocolate milk this time to boost the caffeine level.
Inger Miller originally won the bronze but was disqualified for excessive caffeine level.
Other than caffeine levels, how do energy drinks differ from sodas and sports drinks?
I bought cans of Coke to keep the caffeine levels up as we drove and in case Kelly woke up.
And a bottle of Krank20 is simply caffeinated water with almost twice the caffeine level of Classic Coke.
Excessive caffeine consumption or withdrawal from caffeine can cause headaches when the caffeine level abruptly drops.
The caffeine level is normal for green tea and it can be drunk throughout the day.
Maybe, as you say, it's just that your caffeine level has dropped, and tea restores it to its normal level.
A few minutes later, my caffeine level finally rose up out of the red zone, and I felt safe in removing my sunglasses.