Plenty of Christians have tried their hand at putting their beliefs into prose or poetry, usually with calamitous aesthetic results.
More than one rider went down with calamitous results.
One day, the strong-headed boy insisted on making the trip himself, with calamitous results.
He does not believe her and refuses to have the marriage annulled, something which will have calamitous results in the future.
He tried to restrict himself to a no-frills style, then sold the business to become a farmer, with calamitous economic results.
And inflation rises, with equally calamitous results.
Miles apart in temperament and family background, their lives intersected last year on the 10th floor of a dormitory here at Hofstra, with calamitous results.
The only thing that could generate the demand for a law like that would be some calamitous result of interracial, supernatural breeding.
After a calamitous result, he fled to Iran with thousands of Armenians.
We have observed the virtual de-unionization of many construction markets, with calamitous results for builders, owners, users, customers, unions and workers.